Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ladies In Red

Emma Reynolds of the  Daily Mail has reported on the control women potentially could have over men by mearly wearing the color red in her latest article "Ladies in Red: Study Finds Men Prefer Women Wearing Colour Because They Are Less Likely to be Rejected." 

Apparently, "...The colour of passion makes women seem more attractive by sending out subtle messages about how receptive they might be to sexual advances, say scientists from the University of Rochester in New York. It might help to explain why red is the hue most associated with love and romance in popular culture. Researchers asked men to rate photographs of women framed by different coloured borders - and the same women in red were consistently rated more attractive. Another question asked: 'Imagine that you are going on a date with this person and have $100 in your wallet. How much money would you be willing to spend on your date?' Women in red scored more highly on both of these points.The authors of the study say that this response to red probably stems from biological instincts rather than simply social perception of the vibrant colour. Research has shown that nonhuman male primates are particularly attracted to females displaying red. Female baboons and chimpanzees, for example, redden conspicuously when nearing ovulation, sending a clear sexual signal designed to attract males. The colour is always popular on the catwalk and is regularly worn to star-studded events by the world's most attractive female celebrities. 

 (Natalie Portman, Oscars 2012) 

 (Diane Kruger, Vanity Fair Party 2012)

(Emma Stone, Oscars 2012) 

(Kate Hudson , Vanity Fair Party, 2012) 

Adam Pazda, a social psychologist from the university, said: 'We find it fascinating that merely changing the colour of a woman's shirt can have such a strong influence on how she is perceived by men.'..." (Reynolds, February 27, 2012

It appears that men are more primitive than I thought; I knew some men could be simple, but I didn't know how simple.

What are your thoughts?

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