Sunday, April 24, 2011


 Plastic surgery is a growing epidemic in America. Bradley University has reported that “According, to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), in 2008, Americans underwent 10.2 million cosmetic procedures, paying out just under $12 billion (Mann 2009). While the general economic downturn has led to a slight decrease in such procedures, cosmetic surgery has increased dramatically in the last decade. In fact, while the majority of procedures are performed on women, men’s use of cosmetic procedures has increased 20% since the year 2000 (Atkinson 2008).” Furthermore, a trend in American pop culture is the rise in teen plastic surgery. Some, of you may say "Okay, whats the big deal." 
Numerous research studies have highlighted the severe health risks involved in cutting the flesh. Dregu et al. (2009) studied six patients who underwent seemingly successful breast augmentations for aesthetic reasons; there were no complaints of pain after surgery, however 10 years later dense tumors were found in 5/6 patients. Today, there is a consensus among medical doctors that late complications can arise due to silicone implant failure, and is recommended to be medically addressed as soon as detected. While, it is known that cosmetic surgery has improved, there are still grave risks involved. Clark et al. (2008) found that multi-system organ dysfunction can arise after silicone injection; in their study two transsexual male’s sought out silicone injections in the hips and buttocks. After, receiving 1-2 liters of silicone injections, the two patients reported feeling “nauseated, lethargic, and then los[s] of consciousness.” Ultimately, one of the patients gradually recovered, while the other never regained neurological function and died. 

Most cosmetic surgery procedures indicates an individual that is socially pressured by cultural ideas. Bradley University has stated that many people feel that “surgical interventions [are] sad indictment[s] of a culture with rigid and narrow ideas of beauty—a culture that values youth, sexuality and appearance more than experience, character and substance (Jeffreys 2000).” People who partake in these surgeries for non-therapeutic reason are more likely to be struggling with their body image. It seems to me that we must do something as community to promote self-confidence and to communicate to others the importance of loving ones’ self as they are. 

I understand that sometimes we don't feel as good about our appearance as we should; at times I feel that way, but there are actions that can be taken that are less risky like: changing the way you dress, changing your hair color/style, changing your body through exercise, etc. For example...

..take a look at these celebrity transformations.


  1. that last one looks like a douche bag

  2. This Post is Very Inspirational ... and i deffo agree with promoting self worth and having a positive outlook on your own body image ...and this is a topic that is really close to me because i am actually considering having a nose job ... and I'm like 99.9% sure ill get it done but i don't think my decision was influenced by other people and more of an issue with myself i feel if i was already happy with what i have i wouldn't care what anyone else would think but I'm also a hypocrite because i do feel if someone else had my flaws i wouldn't see them as flaws .... but having a negative body image is something I've always suffered with and i feel i wont ever be as confident as i would like to be with out the plastic surgery my self image defiantly holds me back... but i would love to help women, men, boys and girls appreciate what they were given and love what they have before their confidence and self image really directorates

    1. Thank you for sharing your opinion on this topic...and if/when you ultimately decided to get the surgery, I hope that it is a success.


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